
Sperm DNA fragmentation

  • A simple semen analysis, although sufficient in many cases, only tells us about the count, morphology, and motility of the sperm, but gives no information about its genetic defects, which are often the cause of recurrent miscarriages or unexplained infertility Infact nearly 15% of males with normal semen analysis results actually are infertile.
  • The miscarriages or conception problems you’re having could be attributed to faulty sperm DNA, which is unfortunately not assessed in a routine semen analysis. Sperm DNA fragmentation testing is required to check for the integrity of the DNA of your sperm, which is an important factor in successful conception.

Sperm DNA fragmentation

A simple semen analysis, although sufficient in many cases, only tells us about the count, morphology, and motility of the sperm, but gives no information about its genetic defects, which are often the cause of recurrent miscarriages or unexplained infertility Infact nearly 15% of males with normal semen analysis results actually are infertile.

The miscarriages or conception problems you’re having could be attributed to faulty sperm DNA, which is unfortunately not assessed in a routine semen analysis. Sperm DNA fragmentation testing is required to check for the integrity of the DNA of your sperm, which is an important factor in successful conception. A sample of sperm is collected to test the amount of DNA damage. One of the following methods may be used to check sperm DNA:

1. Sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA) :

The miscarriages or conception problems you’re having could be attributed to faulty sperm DNA, which is unfortunately not assessed in a routine semen analysis. Sperm DNA fragmentation testing is required to check for the integrity of the DNA of your sperm, which is an important factor in successful conception. A sample of sperm is collected to test the amount of DNA damage. One of the following methods may be used to check sperm DNA:

2. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay :

Fluorescent enzymes are used to mark single and double strand breaks.

3. Single-cell gel electrophoresis (COMET) assay :

Sperm is subjected to electrophoresis and only fragmented sperm will travel through the gel

4. Sperm chromatin dispersion test (SCD) :

Acid denaturation is done after which the normal sperm can be identified as they produce halos While most people will have some percentage of DNA fragmentation, the ones that have more than 30% damage are considered less suitable for good reproductive outcomes. These men are teated with anibiotics&anti oxidants to improve sperm DNA fragmentation. In those patients who do not improve despite treatment, testicular biopsy along with ICSI may be a way forward.

Sperm DNA fragmentation is done on semen specimen collected by masturbation.